with Derek Batty

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Life Drawing Classes -  archive pages

I am gradually reviewing the site while classes are paused.  I am reluctant to simply delete because you wouldn't believe just how much work has been involved in creating the website over 24 years. The information here might still be of interest to you and I'm thinking particularly of the information for models.

If you are searching for a class to attend in Cambridge then I suggest you look in the window of Tindalls Art Shop in King Street.  Here you will find posters of groups and tutors running classes.

The same advice applies to you if you want to model.  Additionally the staff of the art shop are really well informed about what is going on so buy a greetings card and hope for some free guidance.

Derek Batty  July 2024

Extend your artistic skills by drawing the figure in expressive life drawing classes. There is expert guidance to enable you to get the most from our inspiring models.

It is a great way to develop and maintain your skill in visual art and can form a core element in your art practice.  Here in Cambridge you can find the best classes which will inspire and enhance your artistic output.

Art students will find the courses fit well with the demands of the A level and beyond especially in preparing a portfolio of artwork for a college application. 

Practising artists also relish the regular discipline of drawing the figure. I offer specialist classes for those involved in graphics and computer games industries. In Cambridge Drawing we use a wide range of models who can help us with topics such as animation, anatomy and character.

There are regular demonstrations on a variety of topics which aim to offer guaranteed success for beginners, and additional insight for those with more experience.

Looking forward to drawing with you!


Pastels Demonstration 
Step by step method of drawing with colour chalk pastels.  Beginning with a quick outline you then block in colours using the side of the pastel.  Follow up with strokes of colour to create optical mixtures. And finally, if necessary, reinforce some outlines.


What You Said About the Sessions

Anglia Ruskin University 2008
Cambridge artists show off their talent ... 

Buchan Street Centre
Exciting projects including Matt on his yellow motorbike.

Your Local Art Shop in Cambridge

Tindalls Art Shop, sometimes still known as Heffers Art Shop -  the greatest Art shop in Cambridge. Head off to King Street for a huge selection of materials. If in doubt, friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you select the right things.  


    Derek Batty